Monday 5 September 2011

Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful husband

Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful husband! He never thought we would get here and celebrate fathers' day.... but thankfully we were blessed with our delightful triplets. They are now at 18weeks and 15 weeks and progressing beautifully.... squeals and laughter abound in our house! They are not yet sleeping through the night but hopefully soon.....please??
Some photos of our babies. :)

Oliver, Harrison and Anastasia getting some rays!
Daddy with Anastasia , Harrison and Oliver ready for bed :)
Oliver, Harrison and Anastasia in a
Our first art creation... happy father's day Daddy!


  1. Wow! I'm so happy for you and your little "aliens" Your photos give me so much hope and encouragement!

  2. Those kids are looking great! Budding artists, I'd say! We are getting closer and closer to our due date. Looking forward to filling our empty cribs. I hope everything is going well with you and yours.

    -Douglas and Chad

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