Thursday 28 April 2011

First photo shoot of our beautiful babies

These were taken early this morning soon after they were born.
Harrison was first and weighs in at 2.15kg at 5.03am and then Anastasia was born at 5.04 am and weighed 2.25kg... they are just so gorgeous!!

I have arrived and got to see them both thru the nursery window.... have to wait till tomorrow to actually hold them! Both are doing really well with just a little extra oxygen around them at preesent... told that will be gone by the morning!

Will post more photos and info as the days pass.
One very tired and happy mummy waiting to hold her babies and get to know them! Wishing that Justin was here but will just have to wait till he can get across.... that wil be the best day!!

Paula :))

Photos of the twins!

Have just recieved these that Shilpi sent thru.... and are so happy with our beautiful babies!


Welcome :)))

It is with great joy that we announce the early arrival of our twins.... born on 28/4/2011. Welcome to our son Harrison Peter and daughter Anastasia Charlotte.... we have not stopped grinning, smiling, hugging each other and just saying hello Mummy, hello Daddy to each other.
And after rebooking tickets for the 3rd time.... yes we had a scare earlier and moved them forward to May 1st ... the plane leaves this afternoon to Delhi with me on it.... Justin will join us as soon as possible!
This will give us a little bit of time to adjust to been parents to 2 little babies before our 3rd makes there presence know... at least that is the
As soon as we get photos and weighs we will post them for all to share.....

Love Paula, Justin, Harrison and Anastasia :)

Wednesday 20 April 2011

new scans of 2 of the triblings!

We got a delightful surprise today ..... an early scan result of our tummy mummy who is carring the twins. I wasn't expecting the scan for another 2-3 days so this was a lovely email to recieve. And even better we actually got a 3d(4D) scan of each babies face!  Everything is progressing well apparently and according to the scans we are at 32-4 weeks..... I had thought from previous scans we were at 33.2 today but happy that both are doing well. It seems one is slightly heavier than the other weighing in at just over 2 kilos and the other just under at this point..... and I think I can tell by the scans which is the heavier one.
One definitely has Justin's nose.... so hoping that is a little boy and the other seems to have a more petite nose.... so maybe a girl???
Justin's nose?

So until further news we are just sitting tight and hoping that we get to Delhi before they decide to join us. Most of the paperwork is done and have repacked the bags(2nd so just waiting to depart on 6th May....... not long now :)))

Paula and Justin xx

Friday 15 April 2011


This last wek has been a bit frantic for us. Both of us are swamped at work and then trying to get all the baby gear and paperwork ready for Delhi has taken it's toll...Justin came down with a chest infection but is slowly recovering. Then we get the news that they want us to be in Delhi first week of May!
First week of May.... that is less than 3 weeks away! I have rebooked our tickets to fly out on 6th May and managed to get the same accomadation starting from then as well which has really surprised me as there seems to be a whole lot of us going over then for pickup.
Also found out today that we are using a different hospital but thankfully it is still reasonably close to our accomadation. The new hospital Spring Meadows looks good and seems to have more room for new parents so that will be pleasant. Hopefully babies wont need to be in there long :)
So in 3 weeks today we will be in Delhi and looking to greet our twin babies and then our little singleton soon after.... so close now....gulp!!!
We will get some more scans on the 22nd April on the babies so until then adeiu... we are just sooo excited. :)))

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Relaxing slightly

Our twins tummy mummy is now out of hospital and everything is back on track. So here's hoping that the next 4-6 weeks go along quietly and we can fly out on our planned date of 18th May. So close.... hard to believe we are nearly there!!
All the paperwork has been sent off and have started the chore of getting multitudes of photocopies of everything.... figure that it will be just as easy to do it now and save extra room for essential baby items if we don't have to take or buy a copier. Hopefully I will get enough done so that we will have very few left to do once we are in Delhi.
My sister and mother are getting very excited as they have sent off their passports to get visas. They say that they are coming to help with the triblings but I hear wisphers of tours to Taj Mahal and other tourist spots.... me thinks that they are coming for a good time and using us as an excuse! Lol.... no they really know that it won't be a complete holiday and it will be fantastic to have the extra hands when we have 3 crying babies.... I just read that there was a study done in the UK on mothers of triplets who breastfeed and do a small bit of the housework. Guess how many hours they averaged a week in these activities??? They worked out that she would need 198 hours... and yep there is only 168 hours in a week!! So figure that one out....I think we are in for one hell of a ride. (understatement of the year)

Friday 1 April 2011

All quite... whew!

Spoke with the wonderful Dr S who said all seems to be settling down.... probably mild contractions due to abdominal pressure on the liver as the blood levels were a bit high.
Anyway SM is still in hospital under observation and they will inform us of any changes which I will pass on to the blog when I hear.
Thanks everyone for all the support and well wishes. It would be great if they just stay put for another 4 -6 weeks.
Tata for now