Tuesday 8 February 2011

Some Updates

Today we received early scans on our little twin bubbles as there was a slight scare with a small bleed…. everything is fine and the babies are okay but they did send us some lovely new scan shots….. Justin feels that this one might be a boy as it is lying back chilling(or is that something we can see???)!

This little one is waving to say hi (or maybe trying to push the scanner away) so I believe might be a very social little girl….lol.
The scans say that they are weighing about 500grams each now and are 22 weeks and 2 days…. gulp time is slipping away on us. That puts them 2 days bigger than the last results but these things are very hard to determine at this time …. so due dates will remain the same (approximately anyway).

1 comment:

  1. bahahahahaha..Aunty J is here!! just wait i teach them how to suck their thumbs and mess their hair after it is brushed....heheh.. all the fun of the little ones to come.
